"Come!" say the Spirit and the Bride.
Whoever hears, echo, "Come!"
Is anyone thirsty? Come!
All who will, come and drink,
Drink freely of the Water of Life!

Revelation 22:17 MSG

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Even If

This poem (I keep calling it a poem, but it may be more psalm-like. Or it may just be a bunch of thoughts strung together) was written in loving memory of Jeremy Lewis. He was a part of my life through church and a small group that we shared and he lost his life to colon cancer in June of this year. The idea for this poem came to me the very evening of his passing as I was lying on the driveway praying for he and his wife in their final moments of his hospice care. When I came into the house after praying, I received the text in our small group thread that "Jeremy is with Jesus." The title that I gave it "Even If" was taken from the song by the group Mercy Me, which became his anthem in his last weeks. I'm not sure that it makes sense with my poem, but when I needed to title it, Even If seemed right. It took me a while to write this and it isn't perfect. But it's an expression of me that felt satisfyingly true. 
Today is my 32nd birthday. And this poem/psalm attempts to reveal the lesson that the Spirit of Jesus teaches me over and over and over again. My birthday wish as I begin my 33rd year of life is that I would be more and more fully myself and that freedom to be who I am in Christ would reign in increasing measure.

Even If

Warm concrete beneath my back; vast, blue atmosphere filling my vision.

Resting in Daylight’s comforting lap;
Clumps of leafy greens waving from giant oaks and maples
Fifty unique bird melodies singing simultaneously
Lawn mowers cutting fresh patterns of neatness in lush carpets of grass
Kids with sun-pinked skin splashing in cool water
People moving in and out of routines, conversing about the mundane, planning for weekend adventure.

I am suddenly aware that in the easy shiningness of this bright world, the vaulted ceiling of sky is as far as my eyes can see, no matter how much I strain. The reflected firmament of heaven- even at its clearest, cloudless moment- becomes a veil; a limit on infinity.

The glowing blue fades to orange… 
to pink…
to deep purple…
to black.

Fear of shadows and all that cannot be seen steals the comfort that was mine only an hour ago.
It’s thick and unknown; impenetrable. 
My eyes scan my surroundings trying to form recognition, but it’s useless. 
I wasn’t made to see in the dark. All comprehension eludes me.
My heart beats in hard hyper-vigilance; every tiny snapped twig brings to mind one thousand possible dangers. 
Thoughts run untamed on an endless string of confusion and perplexity. 
I squeeze shut my eyes and clench tightly my fists. 
Survival instincts tempt me to close my whole being, whispering false promises of security in shutting out the unfamiliar and cursing this darkness as evil.

But I’ve bitten from this apple many times before. I’ve tasted the death that follows; the easy and broad and safe road that leads to hell.

So I will - I force! - my body to lie still,
To breathe in and out to a steady, quieting rhythm.
Inhale…silence. Exhale…silence.
With my mind emptied of its terroristic chatter, my ears begin alerting me to the pleasant chirping of crickets; 
Surprise and delight jolt through my bones,
I am not alone here!
Fellow creatures invite me to join their tinkling melody in the darkness. 
An unexpected song begins to rise in my heart.
I feel their tiny cricket love seep into my checst, beckoning me to open my hands. 
All of me begins to open, to trust.
Their loudness emboldens me to open my eyes and gaze upward once again. 

The stars!
A gasp catches in my throat at the glittering blackness before me.
The sky-wall is transformed into sky-window!
In the hour of darkness, the veil has been torn!
Peering into worlds beyond, worlds glowing with light, they welcome me to wonder at them; this deeply hospitable cosmos that can only be viewed by those brave enough to lie still, to lie awake and expectant in the dark. These twinkling places that speak through their brilliance from some billions of lightyears of distance. 
The gap between me and them closes as we behold one another and my spirit joins the dance of the celestial bodies.

The Father of Lights, the faithful Abba of both day and night, pours hope into this bare-naked heart, expanding the breadth of my vision with brutal gentleness. 
My mind still cannot fathom. 
I feel small and large at once. 
Eternity pumps blood through this mortal body. 

Then an image appears of a nail-scarred hand reaching for my soul.
I am a child with barely any faith,
But still he kindly asks, “May I have your seed?”
Trembling, I place it in his crucified mark, where all fear and faith are held.
Burning eyes lock my gaze as he breathes on my tiny seed-soul.
Lightning flashes east to west and in a moment, the world is changed,
drenched in beauty and glory. Resurrection!

Heat still radiates, connecting my body to ground,
The greeting of Dawn.
