Note: This Psalm is rumored to have been written while this daughter of God was in her living room with her two-year-old, being relentlessly pursued by the affections of Father, Son and Spirit.
To be accompanied by the harp, lyre, trumpet (and any other instrument with the exception of the organ) and many dancing children, ages ranging from babyhood to elderhood.
His heart became wax, melting upon the whole earth
Forever destroying the chasm of shame
His love couldn't resist invading the realm of hoplessness,
Even descending to the very depths of hell
The King staked his claim on the land of the rebels,
Not by force, nor by might, but through an offering of peace,
Sealed in his own blood
His light pursues even the blackest darkness till not a shadow remains
He's not repulsed by man's problems, questions, history or doubts
He embraced our problem in his very own body, bringing its cause to the grave of defeat
He answered our burning questions on Golgotha's hill with an earth shattering "Yes!"**
He became our history - The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world
He assumed our doubts as he hung humiliated on a cursed tree,
Experiencing humanity's horror at feeling alone in the universe,
Overcome by evil, forsaken by God
...only he wasn't alone...
...he wasn't overcome...
...he wasn't forsaken...
...and neither were we...
He burst forth from the tomb, filling death with life!
Exposing the lie, he introduced us to the true, inexhaustible, inescapable love of our Father
He longs to captivate and overwhelm us until we trust him
Until we cease striving and know that he is Love
Until we release ourselves to enjoy the flow of his river's perfect current,
Gently wafting us throughout the City of God - the city of unspeakable mysteries revealed
We join him in his glad song to the nation's,
"Behold! The old is gone and the new has come!"
Joy and laughter ensue.
**("Do you love me?" "Is there a purpose to my existence?" "Am I of worth?" YES, YES & YES!!!)